Live Halaqoh Friday Night: “The Qur’an and the Universe”
March 10, 2023 @ 9:00 pm - 11:00 pm
Assalamualaikum warohmatullahi wabarokatuh
Ikhwan fillah who are always blessed by Allah…
As people of faith, we truly believe in the truth of all the verses contained in the Qur’an…
Various secrets of the universe that we know through the development of science and technology are revealed one by one, little by little since the beginning of human civilization in line with the development of science and technology…
Various theories developed in line with the times…
How does the Qur’an as Kalamullah explain about the Universe?
Are the theories of the universe developed by humans in accordance with Allah’s instructions in the Qur’an?
Come on.. let’s discuss it tonight with our Advisor. Ustdz. Arief Wahyudi (Brother Didi)…
Don’t forget to take your time tonight at 20.00 WIB / 21.00 HKT
See you ZOOM tonight… In Sya Allah…
Assalamualaikum warohmatullahi wabarokatuh
Ikhwan fillah who are always blessed by Allah…
As people of faith, we truly believe in the truth of all the verses contained in the Qur’an…
Various secrets of the universe that we know through the development of science and technology are revealed one by one, little by little since the beginning of human civilization in line with the development of science and technology…
Various theories developed in line with the times…
How does the Qur’an as Kalamullah explain about the Universe?
Are the theories of the universe developed by humans in accordance with Allah’s instructions in the Qur’an?
Come on.. let’s discuss it tonight with our Advisor. Ustdz. Arief Wahyudi (Brother Didi)…
Don’t forget to take your time tonight at 20.00 WIB / 21.00 HKT
See you ZOOM tonight… In Sya Allah…
Wassalamualaikum warohmatullahi wabarokatuh
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Passcode: DDHK